
IT Advanced Services ltd. (ITAS ltd.)  is specialized in implementation and integration of complex PC and software systems, as well as software development.

ITAS was established in June 2004 as a part of CIKOM IT group in order to deal with sales and support of Sun equipment and development of software based on UNIX platforms. At the moment ITAS has 12 employees.

CIKOM ltd stands for the leading IT company in Montenegro proved by now as integrator and implementor of the most complex information solutions. Cikom is a certified partner of the biggest world networking companies, such as Cisco SystemsAllied TelesynNortel Networks and Allot Communications. Cikom is authorized partner of the companies Brand Rex and ODM. Cikom is also a partner of HP (Compaq) and ACER – referenced producers of computer equipment and authorized reseller of the most famous world’s producer of IT equipment - INTEL. As Microsoft Gold Certified Partner CIKOM has certified personnel and three (3) educated Microsoft trainers. CIKOM is the only authorized partner of Symantec on the market of Montenegro. With all these listed companies Cikom has authorization contracts and CIKOM's engineers have the certificates of these companies. Apart from ITAS, there is also a specialized company for networking - ComNET Montenegro in the CIKOM IT group. CIKOM IT group of companies includes 43 employees.

ITAS defined its position on the IT market as a system integrator in complex environments. ITAS is a customer-centric company providing flexible, standard-based solutions in the field of IT services, recognized by highly skilled and qualified staff mastering leading edge technologies and participating in various enterprise wide projects.

IT Advanced Services is a Sun  Solution Provider of  Sun  Microsystems Inc. (

In the previous year ITAS and CIKOM in co-operation with regional Sun Microsystems partner - MARAND Slovenia delivered and installed all needed Sun equipment and software for new billing system for Telekom Montenegro Inc. Mentioned companies also delivered and installed all needed Sun equipment and software for test billing system for MONET GSM. Company MONET GSM is part of Telekom Montenegro Inc. Both companies are a part of the Deutsche Telecom Group. In the july 2005 ITAS in co-operation with country distributor for Sun Microsystems – SAGA Serbia delivered and installed all needed Sun equipment and software for postpaid billing system for MONET GSM.

ITAS is also a Microsoft Registered Member, and is firmly determined to become a Microsoft Certified  Partner.