
ArhivEl is an electronic archive automated software system. ArhivEl is a software which makes possible to convert paper archive to paperless electronic archive, providing compact and safe document archiving process and simple and fast search engine. ArhivEl can work within intranet i internet environment.

Web CMS is a web content management system. CMS that we developed is expandable and flexibile. Data structure and data itself are defined and stored in MySQL database, which provides stable storage and fast data transfer.

Here are some products of our partners:

Mega Computer Engineering ( is a software company which is basen on integrated solutions development, local government oriented. These solutions are mostly web oriented:

  • HERMES - local government infomational system
  • LIBRA - jurisdictional management body infomational system
  • JP Skloništa - public utility company document tracking system
  • Vatrosprem - Vatrosprem infomational system
  • Sistem 48 (elektronski grad) - public utility company and local government integrated infomational system, which has a purpose to provide services and solve problems of citizens.
  • HERCULES - home office informational system
  • Ministarstvo Pravde - ministry of justice informational system
  • Direkcija
  • Generalni sekretarijat Predsednika Republike Srbije
  • Narodna kancelarija Predsednika Republike Srbije
  • WEB Portal
  • Evidencija radnog vremena
  • SMS Servis
  • INFO DESK (kiosk) + software

EuroPOS ( is a company that offers complete IT solutions for production, warehouses, sales, hoteliers, tourism, financial and administrative sectors:

  • POS (Point of Service) - advanced informational system designed for big corporations with multiple shop systems, stores, supermarkets, retail trades and hotelier objects.
  • HUBIE ERP - highly integrated business informational system which cooperates practically all business scopes, activities and processes, regarding market, production, pharmacy and services.